Sunday, February 22, 2015

The Ark and its Protocols

Written in Callipoe's hand, a large leather bound book rests prominently on a stand within the bookshelf.


Our Creed
The Ark exists to save the mysteries from the threats of the fallen world and the tainting touch of the abyss.  It will tread those dangerous waters, providing a way for its crew of gods, myths, and legends to weather the flood of Quiescence and storms of disbelief.  Within its walls our members will empower each other and improve their lives.  We will offer passage to all sleepers, protecting them from the threats of the fallen world and supernatural forces within it.  Where there is ignorance, we will enlighten; and where there is nothingness, we will provide genesis.

We recognize, as one body, the Great Rights of Crossing, Emeritus, and Sanctuary.  We hope to work productively with other Cabals of the Atlantean Orders we may encounter, but respectfully decline to offer Hospitality in the interest of our security and safety.  All members will meet Sunday mornings to prove their continued safety, update each other on the progress of mystical projects, and assist in necessary rituals. 

Any items, mundane or magical, which are brought near the Sanctum will first be loaned to the Eye and the Head who will determine if the items poses any threat to our vessel.  All members are expected to hand over any weapons which could bring mundane authorities or supernatural risks near the cabal to the Fist who will secure them.

The Heart [Calliope] shall become the spiritual center of the Sanctum.  They will be coach and cheerleader for the Ark and its mission.  They will maintain the organization and cleanliness of the Sanctum.  They will maintain a positive relationship with the sleepers who own the grounds and arrange for their rental compensation.  They will arrange for the payment of any services or items deemed necessary or acquired by the Hand.  They will maintain regular contact with all members and a general knowledge of their schedules.  They will speak for and represent the Ark during Council interactions.  No modifications, enchantments, or affects will be placed on or near the Sanctum without direct permission of the Heart.

The Head [Calliope] shall become the extended mind of our union, assuring that the Cabal continues on to learn and protect long us.  They will catalog, study, and research any item or mystery discovered by the cabal after the Eye has vetted its mystical safety and the Fist its physical.  They will maintain a history of the Cabal and its membership, minutes of all meetings, and results of any group rituals.  They will also study, research, and investigate any item or subject per the request of a member, with recompense provided as is customary.  They will maintain a positive relationship with the local Mysterium Caucus so that more expert capabilities are available should the need arise.

The Hand [Roc] will sow and reap to assure the Cabal has the resources to pursue the supernal.  They are responsible for any business dealings or ventures the Cabal undertakes.  The will manage any ongoing interests and provide monthly reports to the Cabal with written copies to be kept by the Head.  They will develop relationships and contacts necessary to supply the cabal with any materials or services needed.  They will vet out any vendors to assure they present no threat to the cabal and are trustworthy in word and deed.

The Eye [Griffin] will maintain a gaze on those worlds beyond worlds and the realms invisible.  They will be our connection to those reflections of the supernal realms among the fallen.  They will assure the health of the Hallow is maintained and that all members receive their fair share of mana.  They will manage the mystical resources and objects of the Cabal to assure appropriate usage.  They will serve as the loyal dissenter, tasked with assuring the Ark's mission of pursuing the mysteries does not trample its need to protect sleepers from the supernatural.

The Fist [Cerberus] shall be the determined defense and righteous retaliation of the Ark.  They will protect their brothers and sisters from all threats, physical and magical, standing beside them during all dangerous endeavors.  They shall secure and maintain all weapons within the Sanctum.  They will develop security measures to protect the Sanctum and confine any member who becomes a threat to the Cabal or themselves.  Should a member break these protocols, the Fist will bring the offender to the judgment of the assembled cabal.

Should another of the Awakened wish to board the Ark, they must be welcomed to serve it and its ideals for three turns of the moon.  The pledge shall be assigned a mentor from their own Order or as desired should they be Apostate.  After loyal service for a period not less than one season and with unanimous approval of the Cabal, they may take the Oath of Membership and alter the theme of their soul to align with the Ark’s mystical resonance.  Once a year the cabal shall renew their Oath of Membership, with any needed alterations of duties discussed and made at that time.

All members shall refrain from these actions, with willful negligence or malevolence considered a rebellion against their siblings and a sin against the Ark.
·        No member shall overtax the Hallow without the express permission of the Eye
·        No member shall reveal that the Sanctum contains a Hallow
·        No member shall bring a visitor or pledge to the Sanctum grounds with prior agreement from the cabal and acceptance by Countess Elena

May the inheritors of the Oracle’s wisdom adhere to these words.  Only in complete unity of the members may they be directly altered.  As an entity, the Ark will grow and change, and thus so to will it’s Protocols.  By three quarters agreement they may be amended with Addendums, to assure that new knowledge and additional needs are encoded in the truth that is our bond. 

Member’s Oath

I, (real name), known as (shadow name) among the awakened, pledge my friendship and fealty to the mages of the Ark.  I promise to protect them when they are threatened and mend them when they are broken.  I promise to reveal nothing of them to anyone, even if granted permission, reserving the right for the same.  As a member of the Ark I will pay an equal portion its monetary expenses, treat with respect and protect the entity known as Countess Elena Tanzler, and by extension anyone she deems to be her ‘family’.  I will uphold any of the great rights adhered to by a majority vote of its members.  I will accept a position and its associated functional duties as dictated by a majority of its members.  I will respect the Brasero de la Bahia, Concillium of Tampa Bay, and obey the orders of its councilors, in so far as those orders do not endanger the Ark or its brethren.  I will be granted an equally divisible measure of mana to be harvested from the hallow and leave any remainder to congeal as tass.  Should my world be torn asunder and I have no other option, I may find succor with the walls of our Sanctum.  Should I betray my brethren may I be stripped of all mystical possessions acquired during my tenure, release their members from any debts or boons, and be banished from their sight.  On my honor, and with the supernal as witness, I seal this pledge.