House Rules

Resonance, Auras, and Scrutinizing
Once Mage Sight is active, the world around them is filled with the hum and shimmer of faintly glowing auras. The particular Arcana used may add additional effects to these supernatural perceptions.

To know more about any particular aura, a Mage must focus on it and make it the center of their attention. Because of this, they are at -1 to all other activities. After a few moments the target aura becomes more pronounced as the surrounding auras fade into the background and the Mage can begin to look for specific things within it. They must sift through the twisting patterns and feelings emanating off the subject with a specific purpose. No aura simply gives up information. Resonances are those things buried within the aura that a Mage can decipher and pick out.

However, just like staring to long at something, eventually your eyes lose focus. Every round after the first imposes a cumulative -1 penalty to the scrutinize roll. Also, should any roll result in 0 successes it is possible that the Mage will misinterpret what they're seeing.

Hallows and Mana

Using Prime Sight, ambient mana can be seen as a fine sparkling mist in the air, slowly filtering into our reality from the supernal and filling the area in about a five yard radius around the center point of the Hallow for every level.  Any spell cast within this area requires one less total mana to cast as the mage unconsciously draws from the ambient mana around themselves to work into the spell as opposed to the mana within themselves.  The Tanzler Hallow experiences a flush of mana and renews itself every day at sundown.  Whatever mana has not been harvested settles into objects within half of its ambient mana radius, starting with the most ephemeral and lastly into the heaviest material.  Should the mana flow not be harvested it will continue to settle into everything within its range, and may cause unusual supernatural effects within the area or attract unusual creatures.