Saturday, April 15, 2023

Epiphany raw document




Gatherings. 3

Concilium – Brasero de la Bahia. 3

Tampa Guardian Caucus. 4

Lex Magica. 4

NPCs. 6

Agent Dominic Sweet, Sleepwalker. 6

Agent Amanda Dodgeson, Sleeper. 6

National Association of Neighborhood Watches (NANWa) 6

Tripod Security. 6

Countess Elena Milianna Tranzist 6

“Rosie”. 7


Labrynth meets Conspiracy. 8

A Lost Cause. 8

The Manacles of Silence. 8

Bad luck Chuck. 8

Painful Trailer Park Memories. 8

Vendetta. 8


Living Dead Boy. 9


Sanctum of the Ark. 10

Mysterium Athaneum.. 10

Tampa Bay Downs. 10


The Storybook of the Mysterium.. 11

The Manacle of Silence. 11




Concilium – Brasero de la Bahia


The entire Concillum meets only once a quarter and that is to reinforce familiarity and community.  Any significant impacts to the pentacle are addressed first, which almost always includes information on recent Throne activity.  Formal business is also conducted where Cabals may bring grievances and issues before the Council.  The typical meeting location is one of the abandoned buildings at the Florida Fairgrounds close to the Amphitheatre.


Council – The council itself meets weekly on Sunday.


Moros – Typically everyone dresses cleanly but simply, like business casual, for meetings.  Lincoln speaks first, followed by Absinthe, then Frank A if he has any input followed by others.  They meet at the old Lutz Elementary School on US 41 near downtown Lutz.  Mainly because of the number of ghosts fettered to the building and the nearby cemeteries.


Acanthus – When they do meet, the Enchanted tend to meet up at the Tampa Bay Downs race track.  Grant typically does most of the talking while Matcha and Leo bring lots of new recipes.  All of the Gamble a bit…it’s kind of their play time.  Colorado tends to go overboard and try to take the house, with Leprechaun or Grant reining him in.  They all love Gasparilla, and when the Freebooters aren’t doing something together, the Acanthus are.


Mastigos – The Warlocks rarely, if ever, meet as a group.  They don’t really like each other, for the most part.  Junior and Oscuro work well together but don’t like Jose.  If they do have to meet, it’s usually Jose that reaches out to the others.


Obrimos -


Thrysus –


Silver Ladder –


Mysterium –


Guardians –


Free Council –

The ‘Southwestern Assembly’ (of Florida)


Rewriters Guild (from Miami):

Vector, Marx [Status 3 Syndic], Quail, Bruno, Listless


Imagineers (from Orlando):

Darkwing [Mastigos], Scrooge [Moros], Mickey [Acanthus], Goofy [Acanthus], Walt [Obrimos], Sharon Mae [Status 4 Acanthus Syndic], Flora (Thrysus Imagineer)



Tesla [Status 3 Syndic], Voltaire [Status 4 Citizen Agent], Cooperidge [Status 2 Syndic], Quantum [Status 3 Syndic] (Ft. Myers)



Adamantine Arrow –


Tampa Guardian Caucus

Their coded language is called ‘Footbology’.

Have you had the hiccups lately?  [Can I start using Footbology?]  No [Yes]  Yes [No]

Ravens [Guardians], Titans [Arrow], Eagles [Ladder], 49ers [Mysterium], Buccs [Libertines]

League [Concilium], Teams [Orders], Players [Mages], Staff [Sleepwalker/Acolyte], Fans [Sleepers]

Penalty [Paradox], A play [a spell]


Lex Magica


The Concilium was originally founded by three Cabals in the area, only one of which survives today as the Freebooters Club.  The charter has changed fairly little since it’s early days in the 1850s, just before the start of the civil war.  The charter itself reads like more of a peace agreement as it was written between a Cabal of pirates, one of military officers, and one of explorers and traders.  Eventually, as the privateers were cut down, they merged with the merchants in part, becoming the Freebooters club, while the Silver Ladder members went on to found the early form of the Smokers (in 1880).  The officers that did survive the civil war mutated into what would become the dead presidents.  (1890).  No new cabals would join for almost 100 years.


For the most part, there are no written rules within the charter.  Each Cabal is expected to police there own, but to also obey the will of the Council on matters between Cabals or involving sleepers.  When an infraction occurs, the offender must stand before the concilium, with their Cabal’s leader standing as advocate


All trials begin with this:

“To uphold the honor and promise of Atlantis, we gather today to uphold the path of wisdom so that the sacrifice of the Oracles will not be in vain, and all souls may awaken in due time.


It has been brought before the council that the one known among the awakened as [offender] has performed acts which endanger the Mysteries and the awakened.  [offender], you have been charged with [list crimes]. 


Breaking the Precept of Secrecy by casting magic before a sleeper

Breaking the Precept of Hubris by attacking a sleeper with powers beyond their comprehension


Now we will ask the spirits of the Bay, in their unending memory, of the offenders past transgressions.

[Summons a spirit of the city…who will relate if that person has offended before]


Who speaks for the Ark?  [person makes themselves known]  As the crimes occurred within the purview of the Ark, and close to your Sanctum, do you have any additional grievances against the accused?


Who speaks for the accused?


JOSE: I, Jose Gaspar, Master on the Path of Scourging and Hearthmaster of the Freebooters club, stand as advocate.


The Concilium recognizes the Master.  Does the Freebooters club admit [offender’s] guilt or do they stand in denial of the charges?


JOSE: We are aware of the severity of these events, and Script accepts culpability.  We bring as precedent a few cases where other mages have broken these precepts in similar circumstances as a last line of self defense.  [goes on to tell stories of 2 different circumstances, one in 1978 and one in 2000.]  Given these precedents, we will apply the following punishment according to the Tetragammaton:


  1. As minor penance for the first crime, that she is to act as servitor for the Cabal for one moon.
  2. As severe reprimand for the second, that she is to refrain from casting magic of any sort during this time, that all awakened shall turn their back on her so that she may meditate on the severity of her crimes and their repercussions, and that failure to follow this declaration will result in further penalty.
  3. Finally, for both her own safety and that of the cabal, that she submits to a binding oath sanctified by the Arcana of Fate to perform these penalties, with dire consequences should she fail.


SENCHA: Councilors, are you satisfied?  (each councilor reveals a token of path as a sign of revealing themselves as satisfied.  If they left it hidden, it would be a sign that the path shies away from the acts of the criminal.)


Then it shall be so, as witnessed by the Concilium and the Spirits of this City.  This matter is settled.


[Next someone is brought on charges of testing wards upon the EWFs Sanctum by Sagitarius, she’s recognized as an Adept]



Agent Dominic Sweet, Sleepwalker

Appearance: Dominic stands 6’1”.  He is square jawed and shouldered, looking like the all American quarterback all grown up.  He speaks with authority in a non-specific mid-western accent, always respectful, but assumes he will be obeyed unequivocally.


Agent Sweet believes he is a high level member of an organization called “The Last Bulwark”.  They are a secret Fraternity devoted to “The rule of Law”… but in truth it’s a very rigid and brutal doctrine based on Hamurabbi’s Code.  It is, in fact, a conspiracy under control of the Hegemonic Ministry and the Bayside consortium. 


Agent Amanda Dodgeson, Sleeper

Agent Dodgeson has recently been initiated into “The Last Bulwark”.  She watched her last partner killed in front of her and in a fit of hysteria tried to attack him at his trial. 


National Association of Neighborhood Watches (NANWa)

This organization is a front for the Panopticon.  Ultimately it encourages neighbors to spy on each other and to report findings to specific officers of the organization, or if there are law enforcement officials in the pocket of the Seers, to those individuals.


Tripod Security

A security firm under the control of the Pantopticon through Dr. Wains.  Dr. Wains serves “Mr. Needs” a Pantopicon Mage.


Countess Elena Milianna Tranzist

When the Mystagogue Carl Tranzist stole the body of his wife from Key West and traveled to Pasco county, what they didn’t know what that his wife had voluntarily come back to him.  Elena both loved Carl, and hated him for alienating her from her own family.  This powerful love/hate kept her here as a ghost.  Carl, upon Mastering death and hearing stories that entities released into the underworld regained some portion of their personality, purposefully destroyed her fetters to send her there…then used his own magic to find a gate to the underworld, sought her out, forged a familiar pact with her, and brought her back where she repossessed her own body.  For reasons unknown, Elena has become more than a mere ghost, more than a familiar, and more than a possessing entity.  What is not known is that the count did not truly ‘die’.  Elena trapped him in the underworld, unable to handle is dwindling humanity.  But since he released the familiar pact, he cannot willingly end it.


“The Risen” Countess Elena Milagro de Hoyos

Vice - Pride

Virtue - Charity – Elena believes in ‘Noblesse Oblige’

Morality – 6

Health/Corpus 8

Strength 3, Dex 2, Stamina 3 (Power 3)

Presence 2, Manipulation 1, Composure 5 (Finese 2)

Intelligence 4, Wits 3, Resolve 4 (Resistance 4)

Numina: Siphon (Drain Essence/Willpower with Int+Pre 6 vs Res+Comp, Dead Eyes (2 Essence to see into Twilight), Eat the Dead (can directly consume anything in twilight)

Fetters: The Hallow, Her female descendents


When the woman sits, the old lace of her Victorian wedding dress crinkles as the browned and yellowed cloth bunches beneath her.  The wide brim of her black hat dips low over her eyes and the veil that covers her face.  The high conservative neck is clasped with an old turquoise and diamond brooch.  Her uncovered hands are pale, but grey and not white.  The cuticle of her nails seem dirty, but you realize that the flesh itself has blacked and her nails look faded and brittle.


The Gang – “Survivors”

As part of a theatre society, all members get 9-again on expression rolls

Rosie, Daeva – The leader, BP3, Humanity 5

Monroe, Gangrel – the soldier, BP2, Humanity 4, Resilience 2, Protean 2 (Aspect of Predator & Haven of Soil)

Joseph, Daeva (her broodmate) – the die hard Carthian democrat (history & law), BP3, Humanity 5, Majesty 3, Vigor 2

                Str 3, Dex 2, Sta 3, Pres 3, Man 3, Comp 2, Int 2, Wit 3, Res 2, Subt 3, Pers 2

Illyana, Mekhet – the beatnik who is never without Ginsberg’s poetry, BP3, Humanity 6


Daeva Carthian, Embraced 1940, looks mid twenties

Humanity 6, BP 3

Celerity 2, Majesty 2 (Awe / Revelation), Vigor 1, Knows the devotion “Night Life” so can seem human the whole night

Str 2, Dex 3, Sta 2, Pre 3, Man 3, Comp 3, Int 2, Wit 3, Res 3


Rosie’s gang has moved outside the usual urban area to the growing outskirts of new Tampa to get their own foothold and influence. They have started visiting local nightclubs, bars, and coffeeshops to gain influence.  They might venture south into USF, but not yet, until they have much more to gain, as they’ve heard rumors of techno wizards there.






Mekhet Carthian, Embraced 1952, Looks late teens

Humanity 6, BP 3

Auspex 2 (Senses / Aura), Clelerity 1, Obfuscate 2 (Touch of Shadow/Mask of Tranquility)

Str 1, Dex 3, Sta 2, Pre 2, Man 3, Comp 3, Int 2, Wit 3, Res 2






Daniel Leahey, Darkling of the Court of Winter

Clarity 6, Wyrd 3

Str 2, Dex 2, Sta 2, Pre 3, Man 2, Com 2, Int 3, Wit 3, Res 3

Academics 2, Crafts 1, Investigation 1, Occult 2, Science 1

Athletics 1, Brawl 1, Firearms 1, Larceny 1, Stealth 1, Survival 1

Empathy 1, Intimidation 1, Persuasion 2, Socialize 1, Streetwise 1, Subertfuge 3

Dream 2, Mirror 2, Darkness 2

Winter Court Mantle 2, Hollow 2, Resources 1


Maria Cullin (???) DEAF

Str 1, Dex 2, Sta 2, Pre 2, Man 2, Comp 2, Int 3, Wit 3, Res 3


Papa Cullin (Ghost) Vice-Gluttony, Virtue-Faith

Power 3, Finesse 2, Resistence 2

Morality 6, Willpower 5



Mr Herson (Guardian Ghost of Romeo’s Sanctum)

Vice-Pride, Virtue-Fortitude

Power 3, Finesse 3, Resistence 4

Morality 5, Willpower 6

Animal Control, Phantasm, Terrify


Next Door Retard

Gangrel Ghoul

Vice – Wrath, Virtue – Charity

Str 3, Dex 2, Sta 4 (3), Pre 2, Man 1, Comp 2, Int 1, Wit 1, Res 3

Resiliance 1, Vitae 2


Next Door Retard’s Sister

Vice – Sloth, Virtue – Hope

Str 1, Dex 2, Sta 2, Pre 2, Man 2, Comp 3, Int 2, Wit 2, Res 2

Her husband left her when retard was 16, unable to cope with them and his wife’s laziness.  Since then she’s meandered from minimum wage job to job and living off the government.  When a man showed up at her door, offering her $400 a month to watch the next door neighbors, she quickly agreed.  She drinks regularly and smokes pot, but has no other addictions other than daytime TV.


Sencha, Hierarch

Sencha is an dichotomy.  He is a Deacon of the Silver ladder, but also an Orphean of Proteus which mostly spurn politics and temporal power.  Among the Shifters, some see Sencha as a traitor who has taken the lessons of prior Shifters and used them not to become closer to the primal being, but only as a means to further his position within his Order.  In truth, Sencha believes he is following a way to one-ness with all beings.  He believes that the cultures of man are simply the herd behavior of their species.  He has no interest in taking on a student to pass on the gifts of the legacy.


Grant, Acanthus Councilor

Grant has recently begun to eschew his trappings, beginning to wear the simple military garb of the civil war union soldiers.  Grant seeks perfection in everything he does, as one must perfect themselves before they may help to perfect others.  He would gladly take on an Arrow as an apprentice.


Detective Adam Germaine, Pasco County Sheriff’s Detective

After the altercation involving the retarded neighbor and Roc trying to kill him…this man got involved.  All he knows is that the body of Matthew Peterson was found with one bullet wound near the shoulder.  He believes Pat killed him, though the gun has not been found, and the body disappeared from the morgue.  He has no body for the ME to perform a detailed examination, no murder weapon, just a set of very unusual circumstances.  The sister wants to press charges against Pat for attacking her retarded brother, but there’s not enough evidence (as the retard says it was the two angry old men.)

His questions for Pat:

  • Where is Maria (so he can question her)?
  • Who were the other two men who attacked the retard?
  • Was this a viscious family revenge attack?

Labrynth meets Conspiracy

The death of Amon Mudalla and his connection to the Scottish Rite Masonic Lodge (and the local Egyptian Shriners) is part of the shadow war going on between the Guardian Labyrinth and Seer Cults.  The murder was due to the Banisher that was captured by Chris and given to Absinthe, but Chris is now on the Seers’ radar, with Agent Dominic Sweet is trying to slowly get him to become part of his cult.


A Lost Cause

Daniel has been abducted by one of the Fae in Cartegena Columbia and been replaced by a Fetch.  The fetch has no clue what it is but has a beautiful translucent glass orb which it NEVER takes off.


The Manacles of Silence

One of the books found in the Hallow is actually a cursed reproduction of a Guardian grimoire.


Bad luck Chuck

A man who can naturally step out of time for a few moments….but has a permanent bad luck


Painful Trailer Park Memories

Sharps still prowls the trailer park, devouring the few spirits sniffing around.  But the Throne has moved on and will soon develop over the park.


“Sharps”,             Rank 3 Spirit
Influences:            Pain 3, Addiction 2
Bans:                     Cannot influence masochists, must assist anyone who is trying to procure needle delivered drugs

Power – 7, Finesse – 6, Resistance – 5, NUMINA: Reaching, Harrow, Emotional Aura, Materialize



A coterie of Carthian Vampires plans to turn Peabody’s into a nightclub.  They have met pentacle and throne and will try to pit them against each other.




Living Dead Boy

Theme: The plane of Stygia / permanency


Romeo plans on being dead for about a month and has asked the Ark to protect him.  Can the Ark protect him and deal with the strange events that are drawn to such active magic?



  1. The Dead – Themes of Reverence/Nostalgia, Mood of confusion/loss
    Romeo introduces the Ark to his sanctum and guardian ghost, performing a simple ceremony of welcoming at the gate to his property.  He also gives them a tour of his home.  Romeo takes 5 hours to perform the “ritual of peace”, after which he dies.  The next night they are in his home, things start happening as Maria’s father, now a ghost, is drawn to the bead bracelet he gave her which she left in the guest room.  The ghost is confused and angry, not knowing how to find her.  There is also the next door neighbor retarded kid who is looking for Maria, skulking around the house.  Should he get too close, the guardian WILL try and kill him
    1. Welcoming [Cranberries – then WoW channel]
    2. The Tour (including Marias’s room) [Alanis Morisette-Forgiven]
    3. The Guardian Introduction [Tool-10K days vicarious]

                                                              i.      Mr. Herson (killed by his brother….shotgun to chest) Anchor is the land.

    1. The Sanctum & Ceremony [Tool – Lateralus – 03 Schism]
    2. The prowler (Super Retard) (does the Guardian kill him?) [NIN – Pretty hate machine – 05 Something I can never have]
    3. The Visitor (Maria’s father) confused and looking for maria, breaking things in her room. [NIN – Quake]



  • Lauren begins dreaming of Dan in a more severe fashion.


  1. Uninvited Guest – Theme of Respect, Mood of tension
    Maria, after going to ‘The Wayfairer’ coffee shop in wiregrass, meets Rosie.  After a few conversations, she pours her heart out to the Succubus, who then wants to befriend her and is interested in hearing more about the strange things that happened to her, mainly to see if other Kindred were involved.  Upon seeing interesting people, they try to get Maria to stay with them to get leverage.  They arrive in a Accura MDX, metallic grey (if asked about the car…Rosie says she likes it cause it sparkles in sunlight).
    1. Hidden Visitor – the events of past games have a spirit of pain floating about…any wounds are magnified causing a penalty of 1 on rolls
    2. The Driver Monroe is there, chilling in the car, listening to 60s protest music.
    3. Inside the House

                                                              i.      The arrival

1.      Rosie and Illyana go with Maria and her friend Patsy to get some things.  Maria and Patsy are a little drunk thanks to the flask of coconut rum Rosie shared with them.

2.      They introduce Rosie and Illyana as cool girls they met at the coffee shop.  They met over some dork trying to play guitar outside.

3.      When the players try to give them they’re names, Rosie makes fun of them while Illyana thinks they’re pretty “hip”

                                                            ii.      Getting to know you

1.       “I couldn’t help but notice how powerful you are.”

2.      If they ask why they are hanging out with kids, they say casually:  “Normally we wouldn’t hang out with people so much younger than us, but they’re really mature for their age.”

3.      After half an hour of conversation, they may notice Illyana staring at them every few minutes from the hallway in a piercing way (Comp + Wits vs her 6).  If they confront her, she demurely looks away, saying she sometimes “spaces out.”  She’ll whisper something to Rosie and the girls will go outside to “smoke” though they will pass a vaporizer (no flames!)

                                                          iii.      Till next time…

1.      They eventually plan on leaving, saying they’ll take Maria back to her friends house, but in a tone that sounds threatening.  “You should give me your cell number, y’know, so we can tell you they got home okay.”

2.      If they confront Rosie with the truth, she’ll take Maria home in exchange to going somewhere semi-public and talking further.


  1. The Wake – Theme of Reunification, Mood of
    Romeo awakens and the group must nurse him back to life.  The discussion about what happened does not go well. 
    1. Werewolves, Vampires, and a new ghost fucking know where I live?!  
    2. Maria is now mixed up with vampires because of me?!  I can’t just hand her over to county services after what she’s been through.   She’ll be bounced from home to home, given her mental state probably abused, she might end up in a nuthouse or something.  Plus there’s a fucking ghost after her and a crowd of VAMPIRES.   We can’t pawn her off and expose more innocent people to these things. 
    3. Shit….I gotta move, I can’t even stay here anymore!  Where am I gonna go?”
    4. Look, by now you’ve all probably heard or figured out my real name.  I get looked down on for being an apostate and even more for being a solitary.  I need a cabal, and to be honest, it seems like you could use someone whose been at this a little while.  Can I join the Ark?

                                                              i.      If yes…Great.  In that case, let’s start over again.  Hi, I’m Matthew Peterson.

1.      Look, maybe we can use Maria’s dad as a Guardian at your Sanctum.

                                                            ii.      If no or we need to talk…Really?   After what we’ve been through?  Okay..he trails off with a heavy sigh and a lost look.

Agreements or Allies

Theme: The enemy of my enemy…


The clutch of vampires opening Vendetta requests assistance from the cabal.  Certainly they have their own motivations, but do those motivations threaten the Ark?



This is all a pretense to learn more about what the mages can do, who they are, and ultimately get leverage on them.

Chapter 1 – “Like civilized people”


The coterie has arranged a dinner meeting at Stonewood Grill to discuss their proposal.  It started as someone has been breaking into the Vendetta workspace and stealing equipment.  The police were called and a report was filed.  However, in the most recent break-in nothing was stolen but equipment was sabotaged, which makes them think the goal is not to simply steal expensive construction equipment.


They would like to pay the Cabal to perform surveillance on Vendetta, which is currently under construction during the evening, and get as much info on any intruders as they can.  Not engage, just investigate.


1.      Do you think this is another vampire?

a.       Probably not, but it might be.

                                                  i.      Why “probably not”?

1.      We try to avoid surprise meetings.  They get…tense…  Our guess is their working through patsies or a minion.

2.      What do you mean, minion?  

a.       I’m sure you’ve heard stories of vampires putting people under their control.  I hate to use the example of Renfield…but there it is.  Not uncommon among our opponents.

3.      Then why don’t you do it?

a.       We have a lot to do before the nightclub opens (if it opens).  Plus, given our nature, it’s best if we avoid possible conflict, especially if it’s not one of our kind.  For their safety, of course.

4.      Why don’t you have one of your minions do it?

a.       Because they can’t necessarily determine the nature of the criminal.  Which brings me to a topic I wanted to cover…#5

5.      We know you have means of detecting us.  Is it a quick process?  We’d like to verify your abilities to discern our nature.  Do you mind?

a.       We’ve invited Robbie, who we’ve hired as our head of security, to swing by for a drink.  After he leaves, we’d like you to tell us everything you can about him.

                                                  i.      This is Robbie.  He’ll be our head of security. 

6.      What are the details of the breakins?

a.       The first was about three weeks ago on a Wednesday.  They stole all our vendors electrical tools.  Then last week they stole electronics, speakers, AV equipment.  On Monday there was a major shortage while doing a sound test that set the booth on fire.  They’re going in at night when the contractors are absent.  We assume they’re avoiding Friday and Saturday nights since there’s a lot of traffic late given the other bars in the plaza. 

                                                  i.      Don’t you think it could be someone in the crew?

1.      Possibly…but we’ve vetted them thoroughly before they begin working for us, which includes checking if they’re working for those who don’t want to see Vendetta open.

7.      Specifics of request

a.       Watch the place between midnight and six PM next Sunday night through Thursday.  We’ll pay you five hundred dollars per night plus any investigative expenses you incur, with receipts of course.  Payment will be in cash the following Friday night.




Things that go bump in the night: Some of the other denizens of the World of Darkness have made deals with the Mages to stay out of their hair.  A coterie of vampires (mostly Lancea Sanctum, but a few Invictus) controls the Castle and no Mage is allowed.  A coterie of Crone spend their time in the Boyd Hill Nature preserve in St. Pete.  A Krewe of Sin Eaters (mostly Celebrants with a few Gatekeepers) haunt the Myrtle Hill Cemetary.  A clique of Lost are typically found around the Dali Museum.


Sanctum of the Ark

Hallow 3 - 5413 Eagle Island Dr LoL

Former Sanctum of Carl Tanzler, a deranged Mysterium Moros. 


Mysterium Athaneum

Located beneath Channellside, the Athaneum is built within the old storage tunnels and confines of what was once the military base built here during the civil war. 


Scriptorium 4 (Matter, Mind /2)

Laboratory 3

Library 4 (Ghosts, Awakened Metallurgy, Vampires, Awakenings)

Sanctum Size 3 (8 rooms about 6K square feet – Vestibule, Lecture Hall, Library, Scriptorium, Dorm, Miscellany, Mithraeum & Inner Sanctum (Hallow Center), Curator’s Office)

Sanctum Security 3

Hallow 2

Guardian Ghost 3

Guardian Retainer 3

Occultation 2

Sanctum Gauntlet 2


Tampa Bay Downs

The downs, for the most part, is exactly what you’d expect.  Gambling, a raw showing of the gap between the have’s and have nots, and the domination of animals for man’s amusement.  There are 5 locations at the downs:

Card Room, Parking Lot, The Track, Slot Room, and the Book room (which is also the bar and cashier).  The councilor Grant has arranged with the management to have a high threshold for payouts…..cause he gives some of it back.


The downs has the following NPCs:

  • Carter Drudge – The houndskeeper happens to be a Gangrel ghoul…allowing his master to feed on the dogs some evenings.  His master is a recently embraced individual who can’t bring himself to feed on humans.
  • The Gambler – Ghost who tried to cheat the house and lost.  All his fingers were broken, then his mouth smashed in with a sledgehammer….deforming his entire face.  He needs others to gamble, and what use what little abilities he has to such effect.
  • “Bart” Bartholemew – Spirit, Dog Rank 2 – Used to be a champion greyhound….prideful
  • “Phantom” – Spirit, Horse and Speed Rank 2



The Storybook of the Mysterium

Qualities – Imagination, Metaphor (-1), Indoctrination (-2) : This book has no grimoire but is a story designed to slowly have a pledge understand the personified qualities of magic itself and it’s dynamic influence.


The Manacle of Silence

A cursed copy of the GotV ‘Codex of Lies’ (see Grimoire of Grimoires)


Research for a non GotV (1 week per roll) No modifier if a Library with sufficient Occult & History texts is available, Basic Public Library -1, No library -2


1st – Identify the content and context/purpose of the book with Academics based research rolls, 10 successes.

2nd – Understand the Occult and mystic themes in the various chapter.  Slowly understand which images and passages carry meaning to various cultures with Occult based research roll, 10 successes.

3rd – Decipher the glyphs and symbology in the various images combined with the meaningful occult codes to identify the rotes with Investigation based research rolls, 10 successes.


Set down by a precise hand in X different languages — varying from passage to passage — and illustrated with simple occult imagery, the grimoire is written to include the sorts of empty generalities one might expect from one of the lesser works of esoteric Sleeper society. All told, it is the kind of tome one could easily overlook in a library of the strange and the unexplained.  In fact, Mage Sight reveals the book to be perfectly mundane.  Once identified, the ‘Codex of Lies’ can be referenced, however, one or two of these “false Codices” are believed to be imbued with fatal enchantments, though this may just be Guardian propaganda.


Once research is complete, the reader has identified what could be three separate rotes and can begin to practice them.  But upon practicing each one, the Fate based curses are released.


  1. Affected by a Great curse for 24 hours, Fate 5, 5 potency
    1. Evil Eye Rote
  2. Burst into flames, Fate 2/Forces 4, (4 Lethal + more if not put out) 5 potency
    1. Self-Healing Rote
  3. Becomes a beacon for Spirits of Pain for 1 week, 5 Potency
    1. Ephemeral Shield





Our Creed

The Ark exists to save the mysteries from the threats of the fallen world and the tainting touch of the abyss.  It will tread those dangerous waters, providing a way for its crew of gods, myths, and legends to weather the flood of Quiescence and storms of disbelief.  Within its walls our members will empower each other and improve their lives.  We will offer passage to all sleepers, protecting them from the threats of the fallen world and supernatural forces within it.  Where there is ignorance, we will enlighten; and where there is nothingness, we will provide genesis.


We recognize, as one body, the Great Rights of Crossing, Emeritus, and Sanctuary.  We hope to work productively with other Cabals of the Atlantean Orders we may encounter, but respectively decline to offer Hospitality in the interests of security and safety for our members and charges.  All members are expected to meet Sunday mornings to prove their continued safety, update each other on the progress of mystical projects and research, and assist in necessary rituals. 

Any items, mundane or magical, which are brought near the Sanctum will first be loaned to the Eye and the Head who will determine if the items poses any threat to our vessel.  All members are expected to hand over any weapons which could bring mundane authorities or supernatural risks near the cabal to the Fist who will secure them.

The Heart shall become the spouse of the Sanctum.  They will be coach and cheerleader for the Ark and its purposes.  They will maintain the organization and cleanliness of the Sanctum along with the relationship with the sleepers who own the grounds.  They will arrange for the payment of any services or items deemed necessary or acquired by the Hand.  They will maintain regular contact with all members and a general knowledge of their schedules.  They will speak for and represent the Ark during any interactions with the Council.  No modifications, enchantments, or affects will be placed on or near the Sanctum without direct permission of the Heart.

The Head shall become the extended mind of our union, assuring that the Cabal continues on to learn and protect long after we move on.  They will catalog, study, and research any item or mystery discovered by the cabal after the Eye has vetted its mystical safety and the Fist its physical safety.  They will maintain a history of the Cabal and its membership, minutes of all meetings, and results of any group rituals.  They will also study, research, and investigate any item or subject per the request of a member, with recompense provided as is customary.  They will maintain a positive relationship with the local Mysterium Caucus so that more expert capabilities are available should the need arise.

The Hand will sow and reap to assure the Cabal has the resources to pursue the supernal.  They are responsible for any business dealings or ventures the Cabal undertakes.  The will manage any ongoing interests and provide regular reports to the Cabal on a monthly basis with written copies to be kept by the Head.  They will develop relationships and contacts necessary to supply the cabal with any materials or services needed by the cabal.  They will vet out any vendors to assure they present no threat to the cabal and are trustworthy in word and deed.

The Eye will maintain a gaze on those worlds beyond worlds and the realms invisible.  They will be our connection to those reflections of the supernal realms among the fallen worlds.  They will assure the health of the Hallow is maintained and that all members receive their fair share of mana.  They will manage the mystical resources and objects of the Cabal to assure appropriate usage.  They will serve as the loyal dissenter, tasked with assuring the Arks mission of pursuing the mysteries does not trample its need to protect sleepers from the supernatural.

The Fist shall be the determined defense and righteous retaliation of the Ark.  They will protect their brothers and sisters from all threats, physical and magical, standing beside them during all dangerous endeavors.  They shall secure and maintain all weapons within the Sanctum.  They will develop security measures to protect the Sanctum and confine any member who becomes a threat to the Cabal or themselves.  Should a member break these protocols, the Fist will bring the offender to the judgment of the assembled cabal.

Should another of the Awakened wish to board the Ark, they must be welcomed to serve it and its ideals for three turns of the moon.  The pledge shall be assigned a mentor from their own Order or as desired should they be Apostate.  After loyal service for a period not less than one season and with unanimous approval of the Cabal, they may take the Oath of Membership and alter the theme of their soul to align with the Ark’s mystical resonance.

Once a year the membership shall renew their Oath of Membership, with any needed alterations of duties discussed and made at that time.


All members shall refrain from these actions, with willful negligence or malevolence considered a rebellion against their siblings and a sin against the Ark.

·         No member shall overtax the Hallow without the express permission of the Eye

·         No member shall reveal that the Sanctum contains a Hallow

·         No member shall bring a visitor or pledge to the Sanctum grounds with prior agreement from the cabal and acceptance by Countess Elena


May the inheritors of the Oracle’s wisdom adhere to these words.  Only in complete unity of the members may they be directly altered.  As an entity, the Ark will grow and change, and thus so to will it’s Protocols.  By three quarters agreement they may be amended with Addendums, to assure that new knowledge and additional needs are encoded in the truth that is our bond. 


Member’s Oath

I, (real name), known as (shadow name) among the awakened, pledge my friendship and fealty to the mages of the Ark.  I promise to protect them when they are threatened and mend them when they are broken.  I promise to reveal nothing of them to anyone, even if granted permission, reserving the right for the same.  As a member of the Ark I will pay an equal portion its monetary expenses, treat with respect and protect the entity known as Countess Elena Tanzler, and by extension anyone she deems to be her ‘family’.  I will uphold any of the great rights adhered to by a majority vote of its members.  I will accept a position and its associated functional duties as dictated by a majority of its members.  I will respect the Brasero de la Bahia, Concillium of Tampa Bay, and obey the orders of its councilors, in so far as those orders do not endanger the Ark or its brethren.  I will be granted an equally divisible measure of mana to be harvested from the hallow and leave any remainder to congeal as tass.  Should my world be torn asunder and I have no other option, I may find succor with the walls of our Sanctum.  Should I betray my brethren may I be stripped of all mystical possessions acquired during my tenure, release their members from any debts or boons, and be banished from their sight.  On my honor, and with the supernal as witness, I seal this pledge.