Friday, June 18, 2021

Sleepers Din

 Y'know, these fuckers deserve what they get.  I used to feel bad for them, be one of them.  But at this point, why should I pretend anymore.  They whine and bitch about how others are in their way, how some force well beyond them is keeping them down.  You know what...there is!   And if you ain't man enough to fix that shit, serve it, or ignore it, then fuck you.

Surprises are a thing of the past.  And to be honest, part of me kind of misses them.  I can see and feel the weight of destiny...but there's still no absolutes.  Am I just the pinky toe of her?  She flinches and I respond.  Does she need me or am I just a joke to it?  I can feel it in me, part of me, and I'm just the sponge of experience that has all been done before...

I can't go back.  They can't understand.  We're in the place we are.  We are part of what they always meant us to be.

There's no reason to try and hide my thoughts.  If I walk off the path, it's over.

The power I have is the puppet looking up at its strings...