Saturday, December 15, 2018

The Monkey Wrench...

The dreams started fairly...simple.

Stories where I became the islands...savior
I tried to show them that their world was...too simple
...too structured
...a lie
And then one day, my dreams became...possible reality
...the truth

Men and women thrust together.  
Con-artists and law-makers.  
Dreamers and doers.

All trying to keep your options open...


Saturday, April 28, 2018

A seer's burden

I've seen him cry a million times.  This poor boy, who will never be a man.  An adolescent filled with rage.  A boy who could not fight back.  A broken teen who escaped into oblivion.  All the same child I cannot save.

The 4th dimension is one of the most esoteric and misunderstood of the Arcana.  Time is the ultimate equalizer, the adversary that man will never conquer. 

And so I am overcome with futility.  After peering through the depths of the never-ending river of time, there is no eddy, no tributary to dam, no defining whirlpool to disrupt, that will change the inevitable.

Maybe Doctor Who is a sign that the simplest principles of Arcana are seeping into the subconscious of sleepers.  Maybe the death of innocence is the harbinger of hope.  If this is true, than wisdom is the most confusing of virtues.  The most contrary of truths.  For if the sacrifice of innocence carries in it a kernel of truth, than the price is too high. 

I feel powerless.  The master tell me that truth is a concept, not a destination.  But at what point to we stop allowing all possibilities and accept that right and wrong are real things?

Screaming Trees
Libertine Dreamspeaker on the path of Thistle

Thursday, February 1, 2018

Give up to the Pantopticon

You think you have it all figured out.


The paranoid conspiracy theorists KNOW they're being watched!

The big data tech nerds worry about the content breeding in databases.

Cybercriminals dredge and compile data on every honest citizen.

At what point is knowing anything about your neighbor too much?  At what point do you desperately crawl into a hole to avoid being perceived?

And is there ever a point where you stop perceiving yourself...