Thursday, December 29, 2016

Turn of the Wheel

[This serves to clear up some of the timeline confusion we had at last game]

As 2016 ends, the Ark finds itself at significant crossroads.  After working with the Sin-Eater Peter and his associates, the cabal's intervention prevented a fanatical branch of the Seers from opening a gate to the Underworld on Halloween and summoning up armies of minions from the realms of the dead.

Given the previous shattering of the old Concilium, the previous Lex Magica that required order membership by a certain deadline is gone.  So over the next two months, Phoenix (Jae) met the two Councilors who are members of the Free Council to discuss her possible membership.  However, they remain wary.  One of them going so far as to say that Libertine magic was incompatible with the archaic practices of the Atlantean Orders.  It remains to be seen if this is true or not, and if the Cabal could maintain "Metaphysical Synergy" within the Cabal if some of their members joined the Libertines (term for Free Council members).

In December, yet another member of the Cabal's extended social circle, Jeff, awakened, and after a shocking introduction to the truth and the mysteries that followed, took the shadow name Donatello.  Terragon (Lauren) traded completing a vulgar spell for Lyssa, the only Mastigos known, so that Donatello could receive basic instruction.  According to mage tradition, Donatello is now indebted to the Ark.

Friday, September 9, 2016

The signs

His morning meditations remained undisturbed.  The shells of the dead he had summoned had been reshaped into the Father's Seal as was his custom...his offering...his oblation.

The trance began, sifting through the haze of the fallen world to pull the kernels of truth hidden there by the great Exarchs.

The visions came and went until his vision focused on a small chess piece...

Ever since the voice had been killed, he was forced to deal with other Seers directly...something he intended to remedy shortly.

"Apocrisarius, I am honored.  What do you want?"

"You have found another cabal of idealists I see."

"The remnants of the Dead Presidents.  They'll soon be following the others."

"We both know that's a lie.  The signs are clear.  They are a threat.  Deal with it and I will see to it the next Profane Urim is passed to you."

"Your signs may be clear, but they are not the ones I see.  I will do as the Father directs...and not as some self-important yankee says through a mirror."

...7 years bad luck was a worthy price to pay to put his rival in his place...

Sunday, August 14, 2016

New Kid in Town 08/08/16

Terragon happens to run into a friend after they recently awakened at a building which the Throne has recently purchased.  There seems to be a minor Hallow in the building.  The Ark discovers that Gabriel and Loncoln are the only Masters to survive the war, and Terragon puts her friend Phoenix in contact with Gabriel to show her the ropes of being an Obrimos.